
African Organizations for Internet Governance

In the mid 1990s, a few African Internet pioneers grouped in what was known as the African Internet Group (AIG) started discussing Internet issues, including governance.

In 1998, following the International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC) process for specifying and implementing policies and procedures relating to generic top level domain names leading to the formation of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), one of the first African Internet governance conference was organised in Cotonou, Benin by the AIG, with Mr Pierre Dandjinou as host.

The theme for the workshop was ‘Internet governance in Africa’.

Read the AfStar Brochure

Afrispa - Internet Exchange Points in Africa

African Union
African Undersea Cables

By Steve Song. [Link

African Women in Cyber
Cyber Contributors

(Disclaimer: There are many more)

  • African Computer Emergency Response Teams (AfricaCERT)
  • African Network Operators Group (AfNOG)
  • Ghana Network Operators Group (ghNOG)
  • Nigerian Network Operators Group (ngNOG)
  • Senegal Network Operators Group (SnNOG)
  • Southern Africa Network Operators Group (SafNOG)
  • Sudan Network Operators Group (SdNOG)
  • Tanzania Network Operators Group (TzNOG)
  • African Network Information Center (AfriNIC)
  • African Women in Technology (AfChix)
  • African Top-Level Domain Organization (AfTLD)
  • African Research and Education Network [AfREN]
  • African Internet Governance Forum (AfIGF)
  • The African Peering & Interconnection Forum [AfPIF]
  • ANSSI – Agence Nationale de la Securite des systemes d’Information. [Link]
  • Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie [Link]
  • ITU [ITU]
  • The Network Startup Resource Center [NSRC]
  • APCERT [link]
  • JPCERT [link]
  • FIRST [Link]
  • KISA [Link]
  • Rwanda Network Operators Group (RWANDANOG)
  • Somalia NOG –
  • East African IGF –
  • West African Internet Governance Forum –
  • Internet Society Inet Conferences where Africa Internet Group gathered.  [93 to 2002]
  • Internet Society Bord of Trustees [ISOC Trustees
  • Internet in Africa By Internet Society. [Link]
  • ISOC Africa IETF Initiative. [Link]
  • Internet Society and African Chapters. [ISOC
  • Network Operators Groups in Africa Share Their Stories[NOGs]
ICANN in Africa
  • ICANN-ASWG Initiative [ASWG
  • Office in Nairobi. May 23, 2016. [Link]
  • First Capacity Building Workshop for GAC Members – 23-24 January 2017. [Link]


ICANN Accredited Registrars from Africa. 

Role of African RENs in CSIRT Capacity Building
The African Secret Working Group

The Secret Working Group is a non-for-profit, on-need-to-know-basis, fully-deniable,ultra-secret cabal that is mostly known for its secretarial support for Bert.


Working with FIRST

Our aim is to tell you the real story of the Internet in Africa and to bring you regular updates on the evolution of technology in Africa.


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