Internet History in Africa

Some Important Dates

4 June 1996

The Leland Imitative: Internet for Africa.  [Link

15-17 Dec 1998

Africa Internet Group & Cotonou Conference

Hosted by Pierre Dandjinou [Link

12 June 2000

Africa demands rights to ‘.africa’ Internet suffix

View article

27 July 2000

AfriDNS was registered by Alan Levin.

March 2002 

(Updated 30 May 2008)

Challenges facing ISPs in Africa

A PowerPoint presentation by William Stucke, presented to the ATU at the ICC, Accra, Ghana in March 2002.
Last Updated ( Friday, 30 May 2008 )

17 Sep 2003

Intra-African Connectivity

Brian Longwe. 1 week Johannesburg, SA.

17th September 2003.

21 June 2004

dotAfrica History paper

At the beginning of the second round of the new Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) application in 2000, an entrepreneur from a western country had the idea of running dot Africa. The entrepreneur approached Nii Quaynor1 and Pierre Dandjinou, Africa’s well known technology ambassadors to organize support for the re-delegation and operation of the geographic domain.

Read the paper about the history of dotAfrica

14 juin 2003

Les Labtics: Combler le fossé numérique ente le Nord et le Sud.

Ouverts au Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger et Togo; ils s’incrivent dans le cadre
du programme «Appropriation et usage des technologies de l’information et de la communication » de l’Agence
Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie (calendrier des formations en annexe).

Read the article

28 Sep – 7 Oct 2004

Rencontre Africaine des Logiciels Libres (RALL)

Les Rencontres Africaines des Logiciels Libres (RALL) sont une initiative de l’AAUL (Association Africaine des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres) et de l’Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie, à travers son Institut Francophone des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Formation (INTIF).

18 June 2005

Africa Regional ccTLD (AfTLD) Representative Election

The Election for the Africa Regional ccTLD (AfTLD) Representative to the ccNSO was announced on June 10, 2005.

Ali Drissa BADIEL has been elected as the Africa Regional ccTLD (AfTLD) Representative to the ccNSO council.

November 2005

Strategies For Increased Internet Growth

A call for a paradigm shift to stimulate Internet growth through content.  (pdf)


Regional IXPs: The need for regional Interconnection in Africa.

By William Stucke
Paper written on request for the Commonwealth Minister’s Reference Book, 2006 on the need for regional interconnection in Africa (pdf)
Last Updated ( Friday, 30 May 2008 )

2005 – 2006

Afrispa - Afix Internet Exchange Point Trainings


Botswana – May 2005

Zambia – July 2005

Malawi – July 2005

Ghana – October 2005

Benin – October 2005

Burundi – March 2006

Togo – April 2006

Ivory Coast – April 2006

Nigeria – April 2006

Cameroon – July 2006

Senegal – July 2006

Congo – August 2006

Gabon – August 2006

6 Jul 2018

Celebration of 20 years of Internet Governance in Africa.

Cotonou 2018

In December 1998 a group of internet pioneers met in Benin to discuss Africa’s progress, how the internet could be anchored to serve the continent better and even more to plan the development of the internet on the continent. That was the first forum ever held on internet governance in Africa, well ahead of the global ones which followed in the early 20’s.
This historic forum was organized by the African Internet Group (AIG) a newly established organization composed of Africans who had all attended ISOC-organized training sessions and who assigned themselves the task of structuring internet associations on the continent in order to further a gradual and actual ownership of internet by the Africans.

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