Internet Africa News

Dear Reader

As under the palaver tree in my village here we tell the story of the Internet in Africa and African Organizations
for Internet Governance as seen by the author, without bias.
May this contribution guide your positions.


Cher Lecteur

Comme sous l’arbre à palabre de mon village se raconte ici l’histoire de l’Internet en Afrique et des Organisations Africaines
pour la gouvernance de l’Internet comme l’auteur l’a vécu, sans parti pris. 
Afin que tu saches et que tu puisses prendre des positions éclairées.

For African Lions busy organizing the jungle and opening new paths for the rest of us.

Jean-Robert Hountomey

Honoring Africans

Jon Postel Award Winners

Dr Nii Quaynor

The Internet Society has awarded pioneering Internet engineer Nii Quaynor the prestigious Jonathan B. Postel Service Award for 2007 for his leadership in advancing Internet technology in Africa and galvanizing technologists to improve Internet access and capabilities throughout the continent.

Reston, VA and Geneva, Switzerland 

5 December 2007

Pierre Ouedraogo

The Internet Society today announced that its prestigious Jonathan B. Postel Service Award was presented to Pierre Ouedraogo for his exceptional contributions to the growth and vitality of the Internet in Africa.

British Columbia, Canada

01 August 2012

Alain Aina

The Internet Society has presented the Jonathan B. Postel award to Alain Aina in recognition of his leadership in pioneering the Internet in Africa and building technical communities that helped connect countless others across the continent and beyond.  


17 December 2019

"Until the lions have their historians, hunting tales will always glory hunters."

“Aussi longtemps que les lions n’auront pas leurs historiens, les récits de chasse seront toujours a la gloire des chasseurs”. 

African Proverb/ Proverbe Africain

Tech Events 2021 in Africa

Africa Internet Summit 2021

African Internet Summit 2021

31 May – 04 June 2021



Shaping Africa’s Digital Future

WACREN 6th Annual Conference

15-19 March 2021

Online Conference


Digital Transformation for Development



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ICANN in Africa

African Undersea Cables

Women in Cyber

African Union

The African Secret Working Group

Internet History in Africa

Africa Cyber Contributors

African Organizations for Internet Governance

Our aim is to tell you the real story of the Internet in Africa and to bring you regular updates on the evolution of technology in Africa.


Let's get in touch!

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